Don’t Let Cravings Get the Best of You

Did you know that nutrient imbalances often contribute to cravings? 

Magnesium and Calcium: 
Low levels of these two minerals prime you for sugar and salt cravings. Low magnesium levels, specifically, are known to trigger chocolate cravings. Both stress and eating too much sugar can deplete your calcium and magnesium stores further, worsening cravings and making you a prime stress-eating candidate.

B Vitamins:
This class of vitamins is important because it helps your body deal with stress. Other B vitamin depleters include caffeine, alcohol, refined sugars, and medications like birth control pills and NSAIDs.

This mineral tends to be low in older people and anyone under a lot of stress. It’s not so much that low zinc makes you crave, but it does significantly dull your sense of taste, prompting you to add more salt and sugar to foods.

Omega 3:
A lack of this essential fatty acid is known for triggering cheese cravings. EPA and DHA (as opposed to the plant-based omega-3 ALA) are best bets for eliminating cravings.

Blood Sugar imbalances and fluctuations:
Meals high in refined carbohydrates and sugar will surely induce more cravings throughout the day.  Look at your overall diet.  Start your day with a high protein/fat meal and you will notice the difference.

The key to weight loss could be in your genetics

A Diet and exercise program tailored to your needs based on your genes?  Yes!  At Weighless MD and Wellness, we conduct genetic testing to create a custom weight loss strategy according to your individual needs.

Genetic testing ensures that your weight loss plan is geared to you for maximum weight loss without the need for fad diets or a one-size-fits-all approach.

When weight management programs are tailored to your needs according to your genes, research shows that you may lose up to 33% more weight!

Through our genetic testing, you will learn:

  1. If your body is resistant to losing weight
  2. How well your body is able to process carbohydrates in your diet
  3. How much body fat you can lose through cardio exercise
  4. How well your body is able to effectively absorb folate (a B-complex vitamin)
  5. How sensitive your body is to the amount of fat in your diet
  6. How your body responds to strength training
  7. How sensitive your body is to the amount of protein in your diet

Do you know what to look for on a label?

Many people who feel comfortable reading labels can still be deceived by marketing and branding that makes a product look better for you than it really is.  For example, is multi-grain healthier? is low-fat a better choice? how about sugar-free?  We are bombarded with packaged foods that tout health but you need to look deeper.

Here are some quick and easy guidelines to get you started.

Look at Serving Size

Packages frequently contain more than a single serving, which means that you may have to multiply the amounts listed by number of servings.

Avoid Bad Fats

Look for foods with zero trans fats, but be aware that a product that contains less than 1 gram of trans fat per serving, can be listed as containing zero trans fats. Look at the ingredients list for hydrogenated oils.

Skimp on Sodium

Processed foods are loaded with sodium. The recommended maximum daily intake of sodium is 2,300 mg per day (about one teaspoon), or 1500 mg per day if you have hypertension.

Reduce Added Sugars

Added Sugars add up quickly. 1 tsp = 4g, It is recommended to have less than 6 tsp for woman and 9 tsp for men.

Get your Fiber

The daily recommendation is 25 g of dietary fiber for adult women and 38 g for adult men per day. Fiber is a crucial component of a healthy diet.  Look for 3g or greater per serving.

Last but not Least
