
There has been a plethora of evidence in recent years suggesting that an increase in sugar consumption has contributed to higher rates of obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The AHA and WHO are taking notice and setting new guidelines which include keeping sugar at nominal levels.  WHO (World Health Organization) recommends that adults and children keep sugar intake  to less than 10% of total calories.  AHA recommends similar guidelines which include less than 9 tsp or 25g /day for men and less than 6 tsp or 20g/day for women and children. Individuals are encouraged to choose healthier beverages such as low fat milk, water and 100% juice drinks.  Drinks such as fruit flavored drinks, sports drinks, sweet teas, soda and energy drinks should be limited and consumed on an infrequent basis.  It has become increasingly important to know where and how much sugar is coming from foods and  beverages.  See how they compare and consider switching to a healthier option.

How the Sugar Stacks Up...
