Client Results

Client: 48 y/o Male
Duration:  Started Jan 8th, 2019 – 12 weeks( rapid weight loss program)

-Down 70 lbs

-After rapid weight loss (health coaching and nutrition session): Down 118.6 lbs

Total Weight Loss: 188.3 

Client: 32 y/o Female
Duration: 3 months
Weight loss: 31.7 lbs

Client: 48 y/o Female
Duration: 6 months
Weight loss: 21.3 lbs

Client: 58 y/o Male
Duration: 6 weeks
Weight loss: 25.5 lbs (continuing to lose after program)

Client: 56 y/o Female
Duration: 12 weeks
Weight loss: 41.5 lbs

Client: Pete
Duration: 10 months of incorporating healthy lifestyle and eating habits
Weight loss: 93 lbs
